The Relationship Between Coffee and Acne: 3 Ways to Enjoy Donut-Shop K-Cups and Avoid Getting Acne

Coffee plays an important role in getting Americans up and about in the morning, with approximately 52% of the American population over the age of 18 needing to drink coffee every morning. Although a cup of coffee can give you the boost of energy that you so desperately crave and need, it also contains a lot of compounds that can worsen your acne significantly. If you enjoy brewing coffee at home every morning, this article will look at three tips that will allow you to enjoy your morning coffee while keeping acne at bay.

Understanding Picky Eating & Battling the Problem with Kaiser Rolls

Is your young child a picky eater? If so, you are not alone. Many parents often deal with the battle that their picky eaters bring to the table on a daily basis. Fortunately, the problem is not with your cooking. In all reality, the problem is likely related to genetics. The good news is, understanding your child's aversion to certain foods and knowing a few fun recipes to incorporate into mealtimes could help you gain the upper hand.