Putting A Better Spin On Dinnertime

Do These Four Things When Hiring Caterers

Food is an integral part of many events. People tend to be happier and friendlier when they're well-fed, and offering a meal or light refreshments is the duty of any excellent host. A catering company will help you serve delicious food to your guests with minimal hassle. Here are four things you'll need to do when hiring a catering service for your event:

1. Choose a type of cuisine.

The first thing you'll need to do is choose the type of cuisine you wish to serve at your event. This is the most important decision you'll make since it will determine the type of caterer you'll need to hire. Consider the preferences and dietary needs of your guests when picking a type of cuisine. More exotic cuisines might be appropriate for adventurous eaters, but a crowd of less adventurous people might prefer something comforting and familiar.

2. Select a menu.

Once you've decided on a catering company, you'll need to choose a menu. The menu will determine which individual dishes will be served at your event. You'll have to choose appetizers, entrees, side dishes, and more. Many catering companies encourage clients to participate in a tasting before making their final menu selections. Tasting various dishes for yourself can help you figure out what your guests will enjoy most.

3. Provide your catering company with all the pertinent information.

Once you've decided on a menu, you'll need to give your catering company additional information that will help them create an ideal experience for you and your guests. Your catering company will need to know how many people will be in attendance at your event. This will allow them to prepare an appropriate amount of food. You should also tell your catering representative if any of your guests have special dietary needs so they can make the necessary accommodations. You should also let your catering company know when you want the food to be served so the chefs can have it ready by the designated time.

4. Ensure that your space is ideal for the type of catering you desire.

You will also need to make sure that you have enough space at your event location. Certain types of catering require an on-site kitchen or a place to put a buffet line and chafing dishes. Make sure that you choose a type of catering that is compatible with your venue. For instance, fresh barbecue catering is ideal when there is sufficient space outdoors for the necessary barbecue grills.
